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Opportunities for work at Kijoma
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Kijoma is a fast growing company providing super fast Broadband services. Enabling "wire free" internet and telephone services without the limitations of the fixed line.

To keep up with the growth we sometimes need additional Engineers, technicians, programmers , installers or admin staff to fulfil newly created roles or to add more capacity to existing ones.

Kijoma are a modern flexible employer, this means most roles do not require a daily commute to the office. Our support systems are all cloud based so sometimes all that is needed is a stable/fast Broadband service, like ours, and room for our computer and VoiP phone at your property.

There are currently No Vacancies as of 26/02/2014 , this may change at any time so please check back soon.

A summary of various current roles will appear here biggrin

Created by: karen last modification: Wednesday 26 of February, 2014 [19:15:44 UTC] by karen

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